The Assault on You

The assault on YOU is something you really ought to take seriously. The surge seems to be on, but then again, it could be the calm before the storm! Every morning when I awaken, I survey the battlefield of the War on Citizens. There are so many battles raging and so many new assaults beginning on all fronts, it’s hard to know where to start. No wonder so many people prefer to hide their heads in the sand and either try to pretend there’s nothing happening, or shrug it off by asking “what can you do”.

The disinformation and psyops are non-stop. I find much of it an insult to my intelligence: “you mean those %$^#&#! really expect me to believe this %$#$@!”? If you take a few steps back, you can’t help but conclude that we are being subjected to an intense attempt to disorient us and in the process, seize control of our sense of reality. Don’t let that happen!

Your privacy and your identity are all you’ve got that makes you YOU. If you allow the non-stop assault on your identity (by invading your privacy) to succeed, you will be lost, and become just another marching moron. If reading Kornbluth’s short story “The Marching Morons” is more than you can manage, then try the comic book form in the movie “Idiocracy”. That’s where we’re headed if we allow the totalitarian forces in our society to take further control. We’re already being treated like cattle, as in the recent disclosure that American children are going to be “tested with Anthrax vaccine” — as if that’s legitimate research that is necessary even if it were just on defenseless animals.

Even if you hide your head in the sand, the insane people running our government and society aren’t going to leave you alone. They’ll test their drugs and vaccines on you and your family, while they catalog every shred of anything you may have that’s yours (and not theirs). And there you have it. Things have degenerated to the point where we’re in the thrall of a group of people so dysfunctional and infantile that they have become completely impotent in all respects other than trying to harass and control you, while they covet what you have that they don’t: some decency and dignity, and whatever self-respect they haven’t already robbed you of. Plus anything you might have that they perceive as a threat to their money and power. It’s really that pathetic.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the song written by John Lennon (killed in NYC by a nut with a gun) and performed by the Beatles entitled “I Me Mine”. That’s what we’re dealing with in the dangerous mentally wounded beast that is conducting the War on Citizens.